How we can help?

In our Renewable Energies & Environment business sector, our experts take care of the energy supply transition to renewable energy sources and distributed energy systems.

They assist government agencies, organizations and companies all over the world in implementing measures to protect the environment and the climate, drawing on the know-how we have accumulated over decades as well as our ability to cover all areas of alternative energy generation.

Our areas of expertise comprise not only environmental studies and permitting procedures, but also environmental engineering and management, waste management and waste treatment. Impetrol's comprehensive engineering and consulting services in the field of renewable energies and environmental protection make us a highly sought-after partner all over the world.


As the sector continues to evolve and develop, we not only have our industry professionals, but we also leverage leading international experts where we are accredited. We are proactive in any type of green project, offering interested companies complete administrative procedures aimed at obtaining sector incentives and financing.

We manage the technical aspects during the project implementation phase, also creating the right synergies with industry operators. Our vision is to guide the transition towards a more sustainable future, facilitating the adoption of innovative technologies that not only respect the environment but also offer tangible economic benefits to our clients.

Through a holistic approach, we handle every phase of the project, from design to implementation and post-implementation monitoring. We work closely with government and financial entities to ensure that each project is not only carried out according to the highest environmental regulations but also benefits from optimal incentives and financial support. With Impetrol Ltd, investing in renewable energies becomes a strategic opportunity that generates long-term value.

Let's help you!

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